task rryb ♪ ♪i re want wwho's in contl ♪ ♪wkoo's te terans day are, ad your pticipation would eatly appreated are there anyother members of the public who wish to speak ingeneral plict? general comment is closed. >> it 38 thug will acte aingle te unless soone whe to coidered separate flav. >> woldnyone likeo sever any of es items? if not,e could taro call. [oll-cal he a 11 ayes. > those resolio are adopted. supervisormaxwell a commendatn. i do understa the party would likeo mmenis here, andi would ke to ask that we could suspend the boar rules so we can hear thatpecial oer rightnow. colleagues, cane do that? i we could do that without ojectiot should the maxll, the floor is yours. thankour ghe the food guardian proct is a group o uers point awaness advocate on food issues. twtÄieraimil ou quliig hiry fmoolgochadolleed Ä