. >> michael eaves bricking us up to date. we take you to washington where the president of the sounds. >> is addressing the nation's governors. >> one good thing about living here is that you can make all the noise you want and nobody's going to complain. i enjoyed watching some of you with your eyes on higher office size up the drapes and each other. we don't have a lot of time today, so i want to be very brief, go straight to q. and a. and discussion. we're at a moment when our economy is growing, our businesses have created over 8.5 million new jobs over the past four years, but as i've said several times, the trends that have battered the middle class for a couple of decades now are still there, and still have to be addressed. those at the top are doing very well. ordinary families still feel unsqueezed. too many americans are working harder than ever, and just barely getting by and reversing those trends are going to require us to work together around what i'm calling an opportunity agenda, based on four things, number o