nick clegg in ebbw vale. is of course the issue of what the eu will look like once we leave. in underfour weeks, france goes to the polls. were marine le pen's front national to win, well, its future in the bloc would be under scrutiny, as le pen has promised a referendum under her presidency. emily met her in paris today. that's undeniably the intention of the eu. the eu wants the divorce to be as painful as possible so they can feel other nations of europe want to leave this political structure. they don't want a domino effect. blackmail didn't work, project fear didn't work either. so they have to try and make the separation as painful as possible. will they succeed? i don't think so. is it possible for britain to get a good deal after brexit from the eu as it stands? yes, i think so. it will be led by the defence of its own best interests and won't be constrained by the ideology of the eu, which today prevents from protecting themselves from uncontrolled globalisation. you borrowed money for yourfunds fro