eben: without question.in the early 1990's and immediately led baseball through the strike in 1994, the first cancellation of a world series in dozens of years. before that, baseball had a lot of trust to make up with the american public. it did so over the course of two decades afterward. he led baseball through that. so much of the way baseball is structured right now, the way that the divisions are laid out, the way that -- the first wildcard and then the second wild-card, interleague play, the mets and yankees play so many games every single year because bud selig put that together. the world baseball classic. the list is really endless of the decisions but he made, some of them that he forced on owners who did not want to do it to make the game healthier. jason: and he also oversaw the era of steroids, or at least maybe the discovery of steroids and drugs being taken by players. and you write in your review that he sort of tries to have it both ways. eben: it is interesting. it is clear that bud selig h