baltimore who's young-- man who's, you know-- the type of preacher who's gonna be in politics, reverend ebert jones (ph). young, young, incredibly c-- charismatic-- young man. and the only way i would be able to hear him preach, given my schedule, was to go to a funeral. and so-- i did. >> what was is it like for you to sit and see the effects of the violence first hand? >> i would say that-- it seems to me to be almost like a kind of a performance now, these funerals. the whole community's packed in. mothers crying has to be taken out. you see the females, i guess the females of the guy who died, all dressed up. working people lined up against the wall. a person preaching, asking, you know, praying, "help our youth." and then i wonder why aren't these more cathartic? why don't they make a difference? they don't seem to make a difference. i came out of that funeral, and there was another funeral going down the street. and i said to a woman sitting on the s-- standing on the street, i said, "well, whose funeral is that?" said, "oh, that's probably the child - you hear about the seven-year-old child