>> ebizo ( translated ): about mao?st to balance performing with parenting. made a little easier when his son kangen, now seven, announced that he would follow his father into kabuki. kangen is now in the same line of work as you are, and your father and his father. how do you feel about that? >> ebizo ( translated ): at the moment, he's talented. he's very cute. but i'm sure one day he'll face some struggles in his life, in kabuki. and so i need to make sure i can support him without being overprotective. >> wertheim: his son kangen is already adept at tapping into his emotions as an actor. watch how his eyes well up while he rehearses a scene about a boy who's separated from his father. i've seen kangen already does connect with the audience. did you teach him that? >> ebizo ( translated ): no, i think it really comes naturally to him. >> wertheim: also a natural gift, kangen's ability to sneak in a nap during makeup. as for ebizo's eight-year-old daughter, reika, a dancer in training, going into the family business i