. >> was there during the day time a time when you said, ecch, i'm beat. >> yes. yes. >> when? >> i could feel in my muscles that i was doing work and lifting weights in ways that i was not -- i was fit, that i would -- it was hard. be somewhere before break, for me. you would get a 15 minute break at 8:00. i would be ready for the break. for me, the other fatigue was when you just finished cleaning your streets and there is no garbage anywhere in sight and you turned the corner, go down the next street, and there is all the garbage again because it is the next part of your route. i felt like sisyphus. instead of the rock and the hill, it was the bag and the bag and the bag and it was never going to end. >> what was the strangest thing people would say to you during that time? >> the strangest thing? >> in other words, would people say, are you crazy? why would you want to do this? >> yes. when i was working with sanitation people, but not on the job formally, walking the routes with them, anyone who would be walking by with think i was a sanitation worker, but there were three