so jim steinberg deputy secretary of state, eckert campbell >> so they have made frequent tips with - trips on the other side of the aisle to show that on the u.s. side there's bipartisan support for the alliance and to exchange views and so people like jim steinberg have had continued meetings oaf the past year or two and invested a lot in forging that bipartisan so they know them pretty well. the dilemma for the obama administration, i think, is the balance between balance of being patient an positive and optimistic on the one hand and on the other hand, the need to say this is the bottom line. and the indian ocean dispatch is a classic example. the u.s. and the coalition need support in afghanistan. the problem is getting harder, not easier and it's not just a u.s. problem. canada, britain, france has taken casualties, large number of casualties for those small countries. there have been increases in efforts on every countries not decreases. and in that context if the japanese government, which has every right to do it, the japanese government says we're done, thanks, and just pull