when otto eckstein was brought face-to-face with the poors' living conditions, for example, his perspective shifted. in his own words while he had been, quote, skeptical about the use of the home visits he was, quote, overwhelmed by what he saw in quincy. he described poverty that was really much deeper than i have ever encountered in my life. the visits he said provided, quote, an invaluable frame of reference for the physical reality of poverty. commissioner spalding an insurance executive from north carolina was also surprised by the dire conditions he observed in quincy. i thought i knew something about poverty and the condition under which people lived but what i saw there i haven't seen anyplace else, spalding said. commissioner tom watson jr. the chairman of the board of ibm had called the conditions he saw, quote, intolerable and appalling, especially for minorities. the combination of testimony and home visits thus changed the means of poverty for commissioners. that could be seen in the commission's final report where they wrote, quote, the reason for poverty is not some personal