so inventing ecocide. scientists in the united states and elsewhere began radicalizing themselves and organizing themselves and other sympathetic people to their view of the use of chemical agents in war as ecocide so it's the destruction, the murder of ecosystems which they rightly claim have larger human impacts. arthur gal ston coined the term, compared it to genocide basically saying that if you destroy the means by which a community can support itself from the natural world, then you are essentially killing them and come police part of their death. so they rallied to protest the war on the grounds that environmental destruction was problematic ecologically and from a humanistic point of view. he argued that sooins had been corrupted by the government and the defense department for too long and that it was too long for science to work for good. not to create things like agent orange but to create things that would better humanity. a team was sent in 1970 to vietnam to study the ecological effects of op