nede or female, ecogunzedchan gi xby a segeted f 1.4 milli tran court s this l civil rightsut thedeenrke, especially in this time >'m looking fabous in my inice pele bauseand th pe of eothe ni weather. an community because it's something that we get t embcein cgom o we everyone is accepting it andlai for q has he checkedbtlg the boxes as followed his promise? or are you disappointed what you've seen >> well, what -- i'm n too much on the political standpoint but what i've sn so far, i lot of the lgbtq community is not happy whate hdo gearing up to do. but instead of him knowing ly realbout the transgender lgbtq transgenopder pei le, fe looked upon more before making a final decision. a wave wdadite cand oidates w choanre running what do you think s?pa st whe tsd ink upon whatsson d our lives as btq community >> we're seeing that in force, she's not running in the r e who are and quickln ghy youfo'rree nooutgo would be your tip for anybody who decidedo they want strap on the stilettoes and do it next yeart's running tonight run foot,bo turhat f htway o yo you do not run o the if you run