>> were there no other choices as administrators like yourself looked at what could be done to econ omize, what could go first. is tuition the only fall-back position for closing what could be a budget deficit? >> depend on the magnitude of the deficit. there are opportunities within universities, and you can encompass them in the concept of focussing on student first. that is, that as you make decisions on expenditures, you ensure that your first priority is for the students, because after all these days the whole equation is flipped. it used to be in public universities, the state support paid for most of the educational costs. today it's the student's tuition that paid for the majority of the educational costs. in that framework it's important for universities to focus on expenditures that enhance and improve and sustain the student experience as students. that means that sometimes some of the other programs and missions at universities, that they have taken on, may have to be diminished or fall by the student. >> as the trend conditions, have you seen the kids you advise not only make