in those years, before i did tech i covered national security, the state department, economicsce agencies, , organized labor, environment, deputy bureau chief of "wall street journal." i picked up technology, computers as a hobby. 1980 -- 1981 and in 1991, at my request, i decided that the paper allowed me to switch what i was doing. even though i physically remained here in washington, i began an entirely different gig reviewing these tech products, not just hardware but software, , anything consumer that was digital. and i've been doing that for 23 years. >> if you give something a bad review, it doesn't affect sales of that product? does, but i do not think it always does. it has been written not by me but by others that if i give a good review of it will boost sales of the product. the best comparison is to a movie reviewer. the best movie reviewers will give sterling reviews to some movies that have a very small , that are take watched by relatively few people . and sometimes they trash the big things that the, big box office winners. their jobs to tell you whether they think it's a