this is a way to use that economisting green finance program to be able to issue a public financing to these buildings which is paid back over property taxes over 20 years. it's another option we have for property ordinary owners trying to comply with the ordinance. >> i want to say as one of those bankers that got involved with the program i think it's great. i do know last week, wednesday, the san francisco association of realtors down at fort mason talking about this so your outreach was great because the turnout there with all the building owners and all the stakeholders was tremendous so i just want to congratulate you on your outreach in this program and working with all the other banks 'cause all the banks were there, everybody was represented and it was a very good event so i want to say i really appreciate your outreach on this program. it is for important. for better or worse we live in a n seismic active city. i want to thank you for all your efforts over this /pa*sz past year. >> thank you commissioner. >> i believe you all have a postcard in front of you. obviously it's a