at ecould you haolyourself, then, ind of sin "what a fo i am" well, i could just be ary at m, which i usuallam anyway. e gestalt,mphasing peri t bod and its way of expressing emotions. what are you aware of in your legs right now? it's kind ofike they're clutching. theye holding their ground. now, if you were to let your legs speak, rather than "they," "i"... uh-huh. eak as your legs. in practice,owever, most present-day psychotherapists integrate their methos of doing therapy, often borrowing from orientations other than their own in order to meet the particular needs of their patients. so a behavior therapist who is focusing on action but sees that the patient really needs to experience more emotionally n use methods of gesttherapy. the psychodynac therapist might choose to use coite or behavioral techniqu to encourage patients to act in new ways in itsighest form, i would think of it more-- as an integrive approa to different rmof therapy, to be able to select from other for of thery sothing seemingly dictated by the case at hand. often an individual's relationship with soone el be