probably one of the more influential ones was ed asner, who made this connection for me between entertainmentnd politics, and just opened my mind to a different world. now, i also had an epiphany about that time that i was not a very good writer. so, likely i was not going to be a professional journalist. david: ok, so eventually, you got a job at a video store. ted: that was my part-time job when i was going to glendale community college. and then when i realized i wasn't going to pursue that degree, i kind of dropped out. and it was meant to be a year but it turned out to be a permanent move to business. david: so i understand that you became so knowledgeable about videos that when people say what should i rent, you had seen a lot of the videos and you could make recommendations and people came in because they liked your recommendations and wanted to see what you were going to recommend. ted: it's true. for no reason, my mother -- we did not have the money for it, but my mom bought a vcr. i did not know anyone else who had a vcr. and serendipitously, the second video store in the state of a