mission local ran a story october 10, 2022 that reported ed dawnally worked on the house. one subject of the audit. mentions mr. santose is listed as engineer on 4 individual building permits and mr. santose submitted two sets of engineering plan for the remodel. the schedule on the screen shows 8 building permits issued to mr. donally home. ed donally allowed 6 building permits for $179 thousand to expire. why would a experienced building inspector let 6 building permits expire? dbi issued two admen strative permits for 1 dollar each to final the work on the 6 expired building permits. ed donally finalized the 2006-7 building permit 12 years after on 2019 administrative permit approved and inspected by senior building inspector kevin (inaudible) dbi should have required ed donally to renew the original building permits and final the original building permits. why does dbi allow expired building permits to be finaled through administrative permits? 55 fulton street is a example of dbi misuse of administrative permits. a permit should not have been issued to finalize the op