happiness and why are some people happier than others and at that time only one researcher in psychology ed diener was doing research on happiness and it was sort of considered this very fuzzy kind of unscientific field in fact diener didn't even use the word happiness he called it subjective well being it just sort of sounded more scientific and so that's kind of a start it was it was serendip. but you know happiness is really the holy grail i mean most people in the world say they want to be happy most people are interested in happiness and so i'm just been submitted a great field to be in for these for all these years what we what has been your methodology. sure sure well you know first of all we have to measure happiness and there's no point there's no thermometer of happiness so we have to we just ask people whether they're happy and how satisfied they are with their lives and how frequently they experience positive and negative emotions but mostly what i do are called happiness interventions so these are basically experimental studies that are done over time kind of like clinical trials but