jennifer's uncle ed skinner says that relationship was a sign of things to come.ast long. she just had to have her way all the time, and there was never his way, so he didn't stick around. he divorced her? - yes, sir. - did you blame him? no, sir. not at all. rob stafford: state police say when they talked to jennifer's first husband, he described an us against them mentality in jennifer's insular family. they did everything together. and you were either part of their family, or you weren't. rob stafford: and steven watkins was clearly no longer part of the family, what with the divorce filing, accusations of child molesting, and the custody dispute. and now jennifer was losing that dispute. the abuse allegations had been found baseless, and a court hearing about increased visitation for steven had been scheduled. how concerned is the skinner family about this visitation ruling? very concerned. very concerned. in their view, sidney was their property, and they were not going to share their property with anyone outside that skinner family, even steven watkins. the