i was in a club on 125th street, charles gallery, and i walked in, and there was this guy, eddie cheeba, who's one of the grandfathers of rap--before records-- and i walked into the club, and he was doing his thing, and there was a deejay, easy g, spinning the records behind him, and it was an amazing experience for me, 'cause it was--it was like, you know, a light opened up. like, "whoa," you know? and it was-- at that time, rap-- the rappers were the stars of the nightclubs in the way that clubs used to have bands perform, and the only difference is, since dancing was so important in disco and rapperspoke to their desire to dance and also to be entertained, it was an obvious thing, and it just--it jumped up, right out at me. so that was my first experience, i think about 1977, and the artist was eddie cheeba, and it was charles gallery in harlem. for those people who didn't know the culture-- don't know the culture of the era-- what was different about that music you heard than what they might have heard from r&b acts or from motown or tamla? well, at that time, motown and tamla and t