we heard from the toxic program manager, jen jackson, and the senior build coordinator, eden bruckman about the collaborations between the department to bring revisions to the green carpet code and the work that's going to go forward involving paint and other products. have a terrific impact on purchases by the city. and we heard a presentation from building and energy analyst ammon regan and barry hooper about the implementation and upcoming revisions to the san francisco building ordinance, and we learned about the -- not surprisingly, the importance of data and tracking improvements and moving the needle on energy efficiency in the commercial sector. two really good meetings, i think -- especially good. >> going to move onto the operations, and then, we'll have questions and then public comment. commissioner stephenson. >> yep. we had an operations committee meeting last week, on january 16, and the bulk of our discussion centered around the budget that we just approved. we also heard a great presentation by becca raven about an outreach campaign. it was absolutely fantastic. you p