edf signing energy services deals, and another company signing an agreement to do nuclear waste recyclingppointment was around airbus. there had been hype that they may secure a number of new orders from china. that has not yet happened. they said they will step up thection of the a320 at engine production line, but we may get more detail out of that. so far, and you to disappointment around airbus. we did not get the big deals we saw around trump, coming away with $250 billion deals, some smoke and mirror around those deals, memorandums of understanding. emmanuel macron said he is coming back to china and is in it for the long-term rather than the headline numbers. he manage to move the dial on the trade relationship, make it a more reciprocal one as he set how to do? >> the reciprocal relationship is very much what he was pushing here, or a rebalancing. france is concerned with the trade deficit they have with china. he wants to open the market to french businesses, but wants chinese investment in france, but with a significant caveat, when it comes to high-tech, there is more protectio