but during lockdown they posted record sales. publisher edgar blanco thinks that's down to their flexibility in his as he could. ok, we're always struggling. actually. we're always trying to reach our readers in different ways and in this and then his impulse to read. so in the totally unexpected hammond the global pandemic, we will prepare a until now and then that mean our job, easier in his brit alcohol going up on the regular oil books from these independent publishers give a platform to new voices on the colombian literature scene. but during locked down, customers couldn't browse in bookstores, sales mostly happened through social media to link foods. you know, we then it get, it worked really well and i'm from many, it was a lifeline learner because it put them in direct contact with their readers or through posts on instagram, facebook and even twitter. or that's how i sold books was ridiculous or not for my degree rogers. yes, it is at transactional commerce, yet bookstores that were able to sell directly online also did well during lockdown . readers could even communicate with eac