[laughter] >> what is interesting in tandem with there being something like edgestar available is one of the reasons this is a problem is the way the industry is structured where you have traditionally a situation where an entrepreneur comes up with a product and realizes for that product to be profitable they need to find the one decisionmaker who is going to sign the check and pay for it for an entire district. this is why it is hard for start ups to get into this space because it requires unbelievable sales force that is not only widely dispersed but has the political connections. so and so's uncle and you have that meeting and convince them they need the whole district. that is problematic because it leads to all sorts of distortions around what works and what doesn't and to a situation where entrepreneurs are not spending their time focused on end users. all the incentive is around how do i iterate around the decision zubov maker who is going to sign the check instead of how do i iterates around the teacher who will use this as a tool or a parent who uses this as a tool so all my