breaking down those boundaries with nurse jackie, the showtime... the showtime series now with edie falco. >> yeah. >> hinojosa: okay, so honestly... >> well, not to cut you off, actually, you said something really... >> hinojosa: but cut me off, anyway. >> i'm going to cut you off. ( laughter ) it's your show, but i'm cutting you off. that's great, we're going on the right track. i... you know, with the visitor, what i thought was great about was great about tarek, the character that i played, is i wanted to show the essence of the arab culture-- very loving, they're compassionate, they are inviting... >> hinojosa: open? >>, inviting, and i tell you, if you go to lebanon and you visit that country and you go to my home and my mom's home, i mean, the generosity, hospitality-- it's just really touching. i'm proud of that about my inheritance. it's a lovely, lovely quality that i... i mean, sometimes it can get too much, because they can be nosey in your business... >> hinojosa: ( laughing ) >> ...and they're like, "when are you going to get married? when are you going to have kids?