this one stands on the mall straight blanks of the edisto, one of the loveliest low country streams. in some sections, notably the southwest, park development runs more strongly than elsewhere to building operations. in the country as large as america, the characteristics of the various regions differ widely. there are mountainous areas covered with fresh green trees and drifting with clear cold streams. in other sections, vast ranges and plains of rock. and still elsewhere, the lowlands that stretch down to the sea. the natural features of the state parks vary with the regions in which they're located. in each section there is a different recreational appeal. it follows then that a park's development plan generally conforms to the features and requirements of the surrounding country in order that the park may best serve the peculiar recreational needs of the people in its particular locality. in texas, where nature takes on a rough magnificence, many of the required park structures are built of stone. here is the land of the cliff dwellers, and architects designed park buildings to