the gallatins are magnificent patrons of the crow people and edith gallatin in particular is very treasured by the crow and over the course of about 40 years is adopted into the tribe eventually made in honorary pro medicine woman and the family benefits by receiving countless pieces of really important art, which you'll see behind us and which really formed the nucleus of this exhibition these elaborate headdresses which are you know are very important and very spiritual within the crow tribe. those are not things that would be given to just anybody so it shows the reverence that the the tribe holds or held for edith gallatin in particular. this is a worship from the 1830s. it represents the height of that period of art within the blackfeet tribe. you can see that the owner has decorated it with some of his war deeds is important war deeds and those deeds are carried on again in the back. this this shirt probably made in the 1830s early 1830s is collected in 1865 by a british army officer and eventually finds its way back to america and we were fortunate enough to be able to acquire it at