in texas women in the rio grande valley hundreds of miles from the clinic, no problem said judge edith jones of the 5 circuit, just drive back. they are going over the mexican border which causes miscarriage and sold over the counter as an anti ulcer medication. even where abortion is available some women can't or won't get to a clinic. they are undocumented immigrants and fear of arrest. they have no money, too much shame around abortion to risk being seen by someone who knows them but now with clinics disappearing more and more women will have no choice but to turn to pills as women do in ireland and other countries where it is illegal for a woman to end pregnancy. some will end up in emergency rooms, some will be injured, some may die. this is what laws supposedly intended to protect women from dangerous clinics will have accomplished a. this is what the so-called pro-life movement will have done for life. as i mentioned there earlier, a single discovery or invention lives up to its promise of deep-seated social change. even the birth control pill, an immense advantage over the clumsy and