edith turnagg says she got ssveral phone calls late that niiht from one of the suspects... who said nothing about a shooting. (turnage) "she was shot. so, why wooldn't you call somebody. why wouud you keep the body for so long and then drag ii out and then hide it." it."(guglielmi))"mostly importantly is the gun. how did this gun get in the home? who's gun was it.. hy wasn't it secured? and how does it end up in the handd of a 12 and 13-year-old child?" child?" edith turnage believes the chhrges and punishment should be more severe are too young to be charged as adults.. they've got to be at least 14 in capiial cases.... and 16-years-old in other crimes.. live in northeast baltimore, joel d. smith, fox 45 morninn news. homicide detectives are called to the scenn of a double shooting in southwest baltimore... near an elementary school.police say two men were shot on west mulberry street near north grantley street around 9:40, llst night... near mary e. rodman elementary school..ne &pdied t tte sccne, the other... a juvenile... was taken to the hospital in serious condition.n