involved in hosting it and the this woman comes on and she says you know we we you know defending the edl and uh one of the participants is but uh don't you work for the israeli spy firm black cube, yes, and she denied it, she said that she didn't, right, and uh, immediately after that she she came off the meeting, deactivated her twitter account, and so you couldn't find it anymore, of course she does work for black cube and she she denied it, so it's clear that that this is an israeli intelligence linked firm, and they they were sending people even to twitter spaces, to to defend the adl, really shows the way which uh is really troll farms are operate, you now they send operatives e quite high operatives even to to humble twitter spaces in order to defend the she was out she was out live on air and and this is this is a really interesting example of the way in which these these uh troll farms work that the the israels are oh into everything and making sure that they can try and push the the agenda which they they want to to pursue indeed. well, i asked - miko, what, what would he made o