double edlin sword. >> any individual colony support? >> they can get some from, you know, like from the county who might, you know, raise monies and whatnot to supply them properly. but they don't have to. it's much more voluntary than anything else? okay question base the militia? yes, andrew. >> so if someone was on paper, like fully qualified to be in the militia, how hard was it for them to be disqualified? >> pretty difficult, actually. seriously, i mean it's pretty much -- it's just about the -- it's the age requirement and that's -- that's it. and you go. or you could pay the fine and not go is part of it. but, yeah, it's just expected and most men will go. it's part of being -- parts of the rights and privileges of being a citizen is this is what you do. you vote. you are a member of the militia. you sit on a jury. you -- all those things it's part and parcel of being a citizen. anyways, other questions about the militia? the other force in the field when we need to think about is the continentals. created in june of '75. thank