i was quoting someone-- edmund burke. but i'm glad you heard it. you're the reason i became a cop, commissioner. i see. then please, take my advice, okay? let's go. thanks for your time, sir. sure. please tell the victim how sorry i am. the death's gonna hit him hard. yeah. situations like these don't build character, they reveal it. pretty damn impressive, considering. yeah. jim, we're going out. i don't get it, reagan. i've seen you lock up hundreds of hard guys that threatened payback. why does this guy have you so spooked? love. what? when i met benjamin walker, he had nothing, jack. he was a angry and violent demolitions expert who loved to blow stuff up, mostly bank vaults. and then he fell in love with maria disalvo. is that whose house we're gonna knock on? yeah. her love was like a life raft for him. somehow, it turned his whole life around. and as a reward for good behavior, she got pregnant. thing is, she wanted him to turn around and give up the life. he promised he would, but he didn't tell her he had one more score left in him. uh-huh