when the range becomes undifferentiated and was directed at say senators who oppose the war, like edmund muskie. nixon tried to tie to the radical movement that things that very irresponsible. >> as a politician, do you respect richard nixon? >> he is the best. i mean, he was not quite good enough to bluff his way to full terms, but as far as his ability to find in discern the subterranean medz, boiling barely beneath the american like in speaking to those hopes and dreams, he was brilliant. he was brilliant at thinking about what constituency could build for his politics, and one of the ways in which he was such a brilliant politician and one of the evidence is of it was he was not a very charming man. it is the paradox. he was a guy who people found very hard to get along with. he didn't seem to enjoy people yet he was still able to win the allegiance of millions of americans. >> this is your second book. your first book was on very goldwater and this is your second book on republicans and the bride, and you are working on it there. why so fascinated with the right? >> the thing that fascinat