edna griffin won. the lunch counters were desegregated and who -- who -- but a handful knows of edna griffin or john bib intvment or len nard hudson? it is only because of the extraordinary acts of bravery by ordinary americans like these in all corns of this country that the mightiest walls of oppression have been torn down. as this nation formally apologizes and acknowledges slavery and jim crow, we must also recognize that this nation owes these individuals most known toll their friends and their family, an enormous debt of gratitude. 's awe make this formal apology, moreover, we must acknowledge and celebrate the deep lasting contributions that slaves, former slaves, and their decendants have made to this country in every field of human endeavor: law, literature, science, medicine, arts, business, education, sports, politics. indeed, the list goes on and on. and six months ago an african-american took the oath of office as president of the united states for the first time in our nation's history. i