the featured speaker that day was edward everett, the noted orator of the time. he spoke almost two hours. that's what people came to hear. people would applaud when he came back to the main theme out of just the beauty of the construction of the english language. the president was an afterthought to add a few appropriate remarks. and he nailed it. but it took a while for that to catch on. the chicago newspaper said the cheek of every american must tingle with shame when it reads the silly dish watery utterances of the man who had to be pointed out to intelligent foreigners as the president of the united states. if you're wringing your hands about partisan politics in america, it has been going on since the beginning of the republic erie it -- of the republic. edward everett said i wish i could have come as close to the heart of the matter in two hours as you did in two minutes. all of a sudden had meaning and not just for some americans, for all americans. what it meant is that we were going to be in the pursuit of happiness. it was not just a limited all men ar