beach narrow bands of light and shade rippled across the ground from the viewpoint of astronomer edward holden stationed atop the house hotel in central cityta colorado across the roof. the course after each other very rapidly about 3 feet from center to center. the wavy lines are not always seen but can be traumatic as the eclipse of 1782 where was reported to be so striking children ran after it and tried to catch it with their hands.. it's the same thing that makes the stars twinkle, the band of light as it passes through the atmosphere. the crescent had grown and continued to shrink like annd ember burning itself out at the end before vanishing however this growing threat to produce a final display. these dancing points of light are the last of the sun's rays. in the closing seconds darkness falls with disorienting rapidity and it can feel as if you are losing your eyesight or your sanity. it doesn't just surround you, it sw swallows you. the very ground seems to give way. in the midafternoo mid afternoo, 1878 as the people of southern wyoming plunged into the shadow they held the sky like