. >> edward mason i basically oppose this housing is a city responsibility not not district please resolve the airbnb issue for housing that turns our neighborhoods into hotels the cumulative effect is not considered growth should fund infrastructure growth and the market rate establishes the reversal for the rentals and the parking impact plan development areas p are in process the treasure island and ooermdz we're trying to shoot more additional unit please resolve the airbnb there is no guarantee this unit will not become an airbnb the cumulative effect is not considered in one square block of 24th street and church street light 17 units that have been shoed into the neighborhood that is done with variance and the 0 response they can take the 48 of the j line the point is that growth should fund infrastructure growth their transportation sustainability fee program is already too years behind schedule there won't be new funding for muni muni it planning to add additional fees and what do they do we need another $500 million bond the growth should fund the growth necessary for this now th