edward mason. regarding the information display, i hope that the time will be displayed as the old system had for next spots. we can work on that. regarding the police department enforcement, i agree with director heminger, it's a parade of lot of problems. my real concern in the future is electric autos. i saw a tesla when they first came out, accelerate on masonic. i couldn't believe it how fast that thing accelerated. i think possibly there should be a gps acceleration speed, governor placed in those fancy cars that they are capable to do it with scooters now. i think one way is if you're graphically driving somewhere, you should be able to log in to the computer and that would determine acceleration and the speed on those streets. we got the gps capability. i don't see why we can't meld the two together. thank you. >> chair borden: thank you. next speaker please. >> caller: hi. thanks for taking my comment. i live in south selma. three things i wanted to address the commissioners today. one is