. >> i'm edward r. morrow. i would like to review with you the great conflict of our times. one which demands and must get the attention and the involvement of each one of us. this conflict is the reason why most of you are in uniform. and some of you will be going overseas. service men. families of service men and civilians working for the department of defense. because of this conflict, many of you are already abroad. more than a million americans in 91 foreign countries. first and foremost of course, americans are overseas to help preserve the peace. by maintaining an alert readiness to meet the threat of aggression, america's armed forces in concert with those of its allies are serving as a deterrent to war. some of you may wonder how directly involved in the contest you are. or will be. perhaps your active duty is behind you or soon will be. and with it, you may believe your involvement in the contest ends. but the truth is that involvement in this conflict is far ranging indeed. it touches not only members of the armed forces and their families, but everyone who suppor