or is it edward scissorhands? i don't know. i think you're right, chuckie. there we go. awards were handed out for the best costume. i don't know how you pick the best. so adorable. i saw one on twitter. that was he addressed the dog up as an everything bagel. it was really cute. for new york. it was again faces making hellraiser. yeah, i think so. what do you think, greg in the control room? what's the consensus? hellraiser okay, alright. i like how the owners also dressed up. i know cute coming up the ominous volcano warning in hawaii, plus two legendary quarterbacks to losing records this season. the stumbles this weekend for both tom brady. and one aaron rodgers, plus the eight year old rock climber who's hoping to make history this week. look at this guy how he and his dad are setting out today to scale one of the most punishing mountains in the world. you're watching we planned well for retirement, but i wish we had more cash. they have no idea they're sitting on a goldmine. well they don't realize that if you have a life insurance policy of $100,000 or more, you c