edward shaw was here until 1911. we are still in the process of going through all of the thousands of pages of paperwork to really nail down who lives and how they might have been involved in the soldiers office. i believe, from what i have seen, some of the clerks who worked in the office lived in the space also. it appears that some of them boarded here also, which made work easy. they must have worked very long hours. they were paid. she paid them and had a leave clerk who manage the office in her absence. they were very successful in the short years that they were doing the work. this room is one that is most associated with edward shah. one of the very interesting things about this room is the graffiti that was found on the wall. according to the wallpaper historians, it is not civil war wallpaper, therefore does not civil war graffiti. it is still very interesting nonetheless. it has the names and addresses of people. over here is my favorite. birch's cigare -- store. george the address of a harris. by days a l