edward weinstock and portland centre aid workers held hostage for years. >> as president and commander in chief, i take full responsibility for all the counter-terrorism operations including the one that took the lives of warren and giovani. i profoundly regret what happened. on behalf of the government i offer our deepest apologise to the families. >> the wine stephen family has been pushing the government to do more for the release. saying this. >> no soldiers left behind. what about no citizens left behind. he needs to be with the family. >> the family released a statement saying that arismendy alcantara was responsible but criticized the the u.s. government saying: the president didn't mention two others who were indicted in the u.s. for treason after posting videos online. >> we should look for tarts which epitomize western decadence, depravity, immorality and aithyism. >> the two operatives were not targeted. civil liberty groups say it points to a bigger problem. >> you have claims of high confidence that there was no civilians, and on the other hand you have civilian casualties