my name is edward wright. i'm here speaking on behalf of supervisor gordon mar. yesterday, we sent over a letter from supervisor mar detailing his strong support for the proposed ordinance, alongside his recommendation for two amendments to it. i will speak towards those specific amendments in a moment, but first, i want to acknowledge that this has been a very long process. it has been also a very collaborative process. i think the process that's led us to this point and to these recommendations being considered by this body speak very much to the principles that these reforms seek to enact and expand on. i just want to express my gratitude to this staff and to the commission and to all the community advocates that have worked collaboratively to get us to this point. we should be proud of the process that led us here. in addition to that, the two things i wanted to touch on have been already addressed, but the first is recommendation number one, the amount of a particular contribution that should be matched. as you know, our office originally proposed matching u