tavis: up next, acclaimed haitian-born writer edwidge bant cat. stay with us. -- danticat. stay with us. edwidge danticat is an award-winning haitian author. her latest is called "create dangerously." the immigrant author at work. it's based on the lecture series by tony morrison. good to have you on the program. >> thank you for having me again. tavis: i'm glad to have you back again. i know something of course of this lecture series because it's so renowned at princeton and it's an honor to be asked to be the tony morrison lecturer at this series. so tell me how you went about deciding what your series of lectures were going to be about for the tony morrison lectures. >> well, first of all it was an extraordinary honor and for a year, the year think a knew i was going to do it, i was terrified. because i was bookended between the cornell west and mayor buicker of newark. they had done the lecture. but i went over many things think a wanted to talk about and one of the things that intrigued me was creation, that art of creativity. and writers that i loved in haiti who had