Mar 2, 2022
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edwin pitti nos cuenta quÉ se estÁ haciendo.es inmigrantes que no estÁn de acuerdo con la forma en que el presidente joe biden tocÓ el tema de inmigraciÓn. ¿por quÉ estÁn afuera de la casa blanca? >> joe biden tiene que... tiene que cumplir sus promesas, joe biden hizo muchas promesas cuando estaba corriendo para ser presidente y Él tiene que darnos la ciudadanÍa este aÑo. edwin: quiero que nuestro camarÓgrafo muestre un poco de esa seÑalizaciÓn que ha traÍdo a las afueras de la casa blanca. estos deportaciones, ¿cÓmo te han afectado? >> mi familia todos los dÍas vive con miedo de ser deportado. asÍ que este miedo es muy real. en kansas city las deportaciones son la mayorÍa del tiempo porque no hay licencias, porque no hay muchas ayudas a los inmigrantes y a las personas indocumentados. joe biden tiene el poder de poder cambiar eso. tiene el poder de poder quitarnos ese miedo, de darnos la ciudadanÍa que muchos nos merecemos. edwin: este grupo de jÓvenes me comentan que no van a parar este trabajo. aseguran que no se van a deten
edwin pitti nos cuenta quÉ se estÁ haciendo.es inmigrantes que no estÁn de acuerdo con la forma en que el presidente joe biden tocÓ el tema de inmigraciÓn. ¿por quÉ estÁn afuera de la casa blanca? >> joe biden tiene que... tiene que cumplir sus promesas, joe biden hizo muchas promesas cuando estaba corriendo para ser presidente y Él tiene que darnos la ciudadanÍa este aÑo. edwin: quiero que nuestro camarÓgrafo muestre un poco de esa seÑalizaciÓn que ha traÍdo a las afueras...
Mar 8, 2022
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edwin: buenas tardes carolina y borjas.casa blanca el presidente joe biden dejÓ claro que proteger la libertad tiene un costo y los americanos lo sentirÁn muy pronto en su bolsillodejando claro que desde que rusia iniciÓ la invasiÓn en contra de ucrania, el precio de combustible ha aumentado 0,75 $ por galÓn el cual va a poder seguir aumentando los prÓximos dÍas. el presidente joe biden, dice que esta decisiÓn la toma con miembros del congreso tanto republicanos como demÓcratas que mostraron su apoyo bipartidista para tomar estas acciones en contra de rusia sin embargo hay que dejar claro que la cantidad de petrÓleos de hidrocarburo que importa es menos del 10%, es por eso que miembros del congreso incluso demÓcratas han dicho que para que se belem el impacto la casa blanca debe buscar el apoyo de paÍses europeos que importan mÁs de 4 millones de barriles de petrÓleo de rusia al dÍa, por el momento las naciones europeas no se han sumado a esta iniciativa de la casa blanca, el presidente joe biden dice que lo entiende pero q
edwin: buenas tardes carolina y borjas.casa blanca el presidente joe biden dejÓ claro que proteger la libertad tiene un costo y los americanos lo sentirÁn muy pronto en su bolsillodejando claro que desde que rusia iniciÓ la invasiÓn en contra de ucrania, el precio de combustible ha aumentado 0,75 $ por galÓn el cual va a poder seguir aumentando los prÓximos dÍas. el presidente joe biden, dice que esta decisiÓn la toma con miembros del congreso tanto republicanos como demÓcratas que...
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short of condemning the russian invasion. chancellor shots, however, was much more direct. president edwin and myself are absolutely in agreement that the violent military conflict in ukraine must be condemned and that we want to see a ceasefire as soon as possible. it has to happen now, so that not so that we can save lives. they have to be safe, coders for civilians, so that they can escape these areas of attack. and this has to happen as soon as possible. but in every single day, with every bomb. russia is got 1000000 further and further away from the international community and our values. so a clear appeal now to the russian president, stop this conflict, there can only be identical matic solution of it. while they don't correspond you'll johan was at the your press conference in the turkish capital and joins us now. welcome you. but relations between these 2 nato allies have been fractious in the past. i was today's atmosphere. well, the atmosphere in general was friendly. the turkish president used the turkish word dust, which mean friend, right at the beginning, a well coming all o
short of condemning the russian invasion. chancellor shots, however, was much more direct. president edwin and myself are absolutely in agreement that the violent military conflict in ukraine must be condemned and that we want to see a ceasefire as soon as possible. it has to happen now, so that not so that we can save lives. they have to be safe, coders for civilians, so that they can escape these areas of attack. and this has to happen as soon as possible. but in every single day, with every...
Mar 16, 2022
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edwin, adelante, vamos con reacciones.n discurso bastante emotivo por parte del residente ucraniano volodÍmir zelenski, haciendo referencia lo que pasÓ en estados unidos en los ataques terroristas del 11 de septiembre dejando claro que esta situaciÓn es la que estÁ viviendo ucrania y ha experimentado en los Últimas tres semanas. ademÁs, en inglÉs pidiÓ directamente el presidente joe biden que por favor, si quiere ser lÍder del mundo, tambiÉn de ser el lÍder de la paz y debe aumentar de inmediato la ayuda para ucrania y asÍ poder seguir defendiÉndose de los ataques de rusia. sigamos escuchando un poco de lo que dijo volodÍmir zelenski. >> en su gran historia, usted tiene pÁginas que han de permitir ustedes entender a los ucranianos, entender la necesidad que tenemos en este momento. los necesitamos a ustedes en este momento. recuerden a pearl harbor, una maÑana tan horrible, recuerden el 11 de septiembre, un dÍa tan horrible en el aÑo 2001 cuando el mal trato de atacar sus ciudades, campos de batalla, donde personas inocent
edwin, adelante, vamos con reacciones.n discurso bastante emotivo por parte del residente ucraniano volodÍmir zelenski, haciendo referencia lo que pasÓ en estados unidos en los ataques terroristas del 11 de septiembre dejando claro que esta situaciÓn es la que estÁ viviendo ucrania y ha experimentado en los Últimas tres semanas. ademÁs, en inglÉs pidiÓ directamente el presidente joe biden que por favor, si quiere ser lÍder del mundo, tambiÉn de ser el lÍder de la paz y debe aumentar...
Mar 9, 2022
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vamos a conectarnos con edwin, desde washington con las primeras reacciones.blanca con el gobierno de nicolÁs maduro. un ejecutivo y un turista. a continuaciÓn, que mostrar imÁgenes en vivo de la compresa de prensa del secretario de estado. se le acaba de brotar sobre la situaciÓn con venezuela y ha dicho que estados unidos y venezuela tienen determinados intereses, lograr la liberaciÓn de estadounidenses presos y el abastecimiento de petrÓleo en todo el mundo. de eso se lo ha criticado mucho porque estÁ comisiÓn de la casa blanca, conformada por juan gonzÁlez que dirige la seguridad nacional, y el embajador, ha dicho que se trabajÓ se iniciÓ en el pasado mes de diciembre para lidiar con los temas que tiene que ver con rehenes. diciembre no se logrÓ absolutamente nada pero pavimentÓ el camino . teresa criticando la casa blanca por el tema de la liberaciÓn, que nos Único enfoque, sino por cÓmo pretender contar con venezuela para abastecer a estados unidos y el resto del mundo por el tema del pretorio. —— del petrÓleo. estados unidos recibÍa de rusia mÁs de 700,
vamos a conectarnos con edwin, desde washington con las primeras reacciones.blanca con el gobierno de nicolÁs maduro. un ejecutivo y un turista. a continuaciÓn, que mostrar imÁgenes en vivo de la compresa de prensa del secretario de estado. se le acaba de brotar sobre la situaciÓn con venezuela y ha dicho que estados unidos y venezuela tienen determinados intereses, lograr la liberaciÓn de estadounidenses presos y el abastecimiento de petrÓleo en todo el mundo. de eso se lo ha criticado...
Mar 1, 2022
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edwin: asÍ es, pueda salir de ese Índice de aprobaciÓn que tiene que estÁ muy bajo, 37%.a enmienda. y esa manifestaciÓn de camioneros que no van a llegar a washington el dÍa de hoy. hay gran presencia policial, la policÍa del distrito de columbia, agentes del fbi, servicio secreto al igual que el departamento de seguridad nacional. eso contrasta con la situaciÓn del capitolio. el edificio legislativo amanece rodeado por la cerca de acero, como una forma de salvaguardar la seguridad de los que asistan al discurso del presidente y de los que residen en el distrito de columbia. la casa blanca dice que el enfoque va a estar en esos cuatro pilares del presidente joe biden hablando de la economÍa, la situaciÓn de ucrania y se espera que hable sobre el tema de inmigraciÓn y el futuro de la naciÓn haciendo alusiÓn a su nominada a la corte suprema de justicia. en vivo desde washington vuelvo con ustedes de los estudios. borja: precisamente hablando de este tema. queremos que escuchen bien estos datos. la aprobaciÓn de los votantes hispanos a la gestiÓn del presidente biden ha caÍd
edwin: asÍ es, pueda salir de ese Índice de aprobaciÓn que tiene que estÁ muy bajo, 37%.a enmienda. y esa manifestaciÓn de camioneros que no van a llegar a washington el dÍa de hoy. hay gran presencia policial, la policÍa del distrito de columbia, agentes del fbi, servicio secreto al igual que el departamento de seguridad nacional. eso contrasta con la situaciÓn del capitolio. el edificio legislativo amanece rodeado por la cerca de acero, como una forma de salvaguardar la seguridad de...
Mar 30, 2022
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edwin: sÍ.ue anuncian bombardeos resonaron toda la madrugada en varias ciudades. en otro indicio de que es mentira la afirmaciÓn de rusia estÁ reduciendo su escalada de la guerra. el alcalde dijo que la ciudad sostiene un ataque colosal hora despuÉs que el kremlin dijo que va a reducir su defensiva ahÍ. tampoco hubo progreso la nueva ronda de negociaciones entre rusos y ucranianos en turquÍa. vamos con nuria en vivo donde los ataques no han cesado. adelante. nuria: buenos dÍas. el escenario de optimismo que se te has lado de esa reuniÓn en estambul hoy ha quedado bastante desdibujado. en el terreno la guerra se sigue produciendo. ayer el kremlin se comprometiÓ a reducir de manera drÁstica la presencia militar en kiev. la realidad sigue siendo otra. empezando porque esta noche hemos escuchado muchas explosiones. tambiÉn ahora mismo tenemos constancia que se siguen produciendo combates en algunos lugares. tanto ucrania como el pentÁgono consideran que este anuncio que hizo ayer el kremlin es para
edwin: sÍ.ue anuncian bombardeos resonaron toda la madrugada en varias ciudades. en otro indicio de que es mentira la afirmaciÓn de rusia estÁ reduciendo su escalada de la guerra. el alcalde dijo que la ciudad sostiene un ataque colosal hora despuÉs que el kremlin dijo que va a reducir su defensiva ahÍ. tampoco hubo progreso la nueva ronda de negociaciones entre rusos y ucranianos en turquÍa. vamos con nuria en vivo donde los ataques no han cesado. adelante. nuria: buenos dÍas. el...
Mar 30, 2022
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con otros medios como telÉfonos personales, desechables, o si algÚn ayudante le pasÓ un telÉfono, edwiniso momento, llama la atenciÓn que trump estÁ diciendo que Él no sabe quÉ es un telÉfono desechable, y nunca lo ha utilizado. el comitÉ investigador de la cÁmara baja que investiga ese asalto al capitolio, no tiene informaciÓn de siete horas y 30 y 7 minutos de las llamadas que hizo o recibiÓ el ex mandatario de ese dÍa 6 de enero, cuando se daba la insurrecciÓn en el capitolio, algo que reportamos ampliamente aquÍ en la "ediciÓn digital". importante recalcar que marios abogados estÁn diciendo que Ésta no constituye un crimen, pero sÍ viola la ley de archivos de la casa blanca, que establece que todas las llamadas que hace y recibiÓ mandatario de los estados unidos deben permanecer en rÉcords, precisamente por cualquier motivo histÓrico, y tambiÉn la investigaciÓn a la hora de la investigaciÓn, pero trump, sÍ hay evidencia de que haya hablado con senadores republicanos, pero la conversaciÓn que tuvo con el el exvicepresidente, mike pence, que ha sido del dominio pÚblico, no ha estado r
con otros medios como telÉfonos personales, desechables, o si algÚn ayudante le pasÓ un telÉfono, edwiniso momento, llama la atenciÓn que trump estÁ diciendo que Él no sabe quÉ es un telÉfono desechable, y nunca lo ha utilizado. el comitÉ investigador de la cÁmara baja que investiga ese asalto al capitolio, no tiene informaciÓn de siete horas y 30 y 7 minutos de las llamadas que hizo o recibiÓ el ex mandatario de ese dÍa 6 de enero, cuando se daba la insurrecciÓn en el capitolio,...
Mar 4, 2022
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lyman, edwin lyman nuclear power safety expert, we appreciate you joining, may have to get you back. just to let you know -- yeah, i hope not, certainly. right on. thank you, sir. so this is what we know, the zaporizhzhia power plant, they're telling us that one generator out of six is operational. there's a fire continuing there, there's been fire in the area and there is concern that it could get worse, but there we're keeping an eye on it, the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant is the biggest in europe, that's according to the zaporizhzhia website, supports 1/5 of the total electric power in ukraine, plant has six units in total, first one connect to the power in 1984, sixth in 1995 been operational some time but if they lose power and can't cool those reactors could be a disaster. keeping an eye on it, lieutenant general mark kertling, cnn analyst, i want to know what this says about russia's mimilitary leadershihip. we'll take a break and i'll ask you that question. (johnny cash) ♪ i've traveled every road in this here land! ♪ ♪ i've been everywhere, man. ♪ ♪ i've been everywhere,
lyman, edwin lyman nuclear power safety expert, we appreciate you joining, may have to get you back. just to let you know -- yeah, i hope not, certainly. right on. thank you, sir. so this is what we know, the zaporizhzhia power plant, they're telling us that one generator out of six is operational. there's a fire continuing there, there's been fire in the area and there is concern that it could get worse, but there we're keeping an eye on it, the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant is the biggest...
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and that together with president edwin's statement has been widely interpreted as ankara effectively closing down the da da nails and prosperous traits to russian warships. according to this international treaty, the montreaux convention that you just mentioned. now, it is not clear how much of an impact this will have on the conflict on the war. how much of a blow this is to the kremlin, but it's certainly sends a strong message, a message to the ukranian government as well. because they had asked the turkish government on the very 1st day, the russian invasion started to block trends. it of, for russian worships and turkey had not immediately responded to this request. now the turkish foreign minister also said that until now there has been no request for passage. so it really remains to be seen. what happens next? what happens if there was such a request and what turkey would do? so where does turkey stand on this issue, or want to sir? turkey will neither abandon ukraine nor russia. what's, what's your feeling? well 1st, your 1st of all, you have to know that turkey geographicall
and that together with president edwin's statement has been widely interpreted as ankara effectively closing down the da da nails and prosperous traits to russian warships. according to this international treaty, the montreaux convention that you just mentioned. now, it is not clear how much of an impact this will have on the conflict on the war. how much of a blow this is to the kremlin, but it's certainly sends a strong message, a message to the ukranian government as well. because they had...
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answer it and yours president edwin. from dunc producer fargo, thank you very much with us. the question or hearing of him for the or the 1st of all, i think when it comes to my predecessor, she has never turned a blind eye to human rights. i mustn't count. i must come to her aid here and as little to say that, that simply not true that. and when it comes to you and germany, we concluded an agreement with turkey about the co operation when it comes to migratory flows from that emerged after the terrible war as that took place in other countries where many people who fled their homes to turkey. we must never stop doing this. we must always bear in mind that many millions of refugees are in turkey and have found a new home for themselves. and the agreement that we made with turkey has to do with the fact that we wanted to give the turkish republic of an opportunity to do justice to this access to schools, access to housing, access into the labor market for these people who have led their homes and this is factored in, that's what it's about with his agreement, it's about an ag
answer it and yours president edwin. from dunc producer fargo, thank you very much with us. the question or hearing of him for the or the 1st of all, i think when it comes to my predecessor, she has never turned a blind eye to human rights. i mustn't count. i must come to her aid here and as little to say that, that simply not true that. and when it comes to you and germany, we concluded an agreement with turkey about the co operation when it comes to migratory flows from that emerged after the...
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well, take a show president edwin has developed close economic and political ties with both a russia and ukraine in recent years. and yes, that has put him in a delicate position where we see him now trying to balance his commitments towards ukraine. a turkey thought. com, the trojans to the ukrainian government, are they also a ne, announced new trade deals with on the other hand, it's ties to moscow. and now turkey and russia have a considerable trait. volume worth nearly $35000000000.00 us dollars last year. turkey depends on russian gas on russian tourists as well. russia has invested $20000000000.00 us dollars in a nuclear power plant here in turkey. so add on, can't afford to fall out with russia economically. and i think that to large extent, explains his political balancing act. and drew a ruling from the shark of massive economic losses due to the karone of ours condemned turkey was optimistic that its economy would bloom for its tourism sector this year. but now struggling under the russia ukraine conflict, how well no other country has been sending more tourists to turkey,
well, take a show president edwin has developed close economic and political ties with both a russia and ukraine in recent years. and yes, that has put him in a delicate position where we see him now trying to balance his commitments towards ukraine. a turkey thought. com, the trojans to the ukrainian government, are they also a ne, announced new trade deals with on the other hand, it's ties to moscow. and now turkey and russia have a considerable trait. volume worth nearly $35000000000.00 us...
Mar 31, 2022
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edwin pitti estÁ desde washington d.c. para explicarnos. edwin: muy buenos dÍas. nivel nacional de $4.21, pero me encuentro en esta gasolinera a cuadra y media el capitolio donde el precio es de $5.19, ante la preocupaciÓn que el precio puede a seguir aumentando drÁsticamente, la atenciÓn recabe del anuncio del dÍa del presidente biden de implementar y dar a conocer su plan para que ese precio no sigo mentando y por supuesto afecando los bolsillos de todos nosotros. ese plan consiste en librar como mencionabas, 1,000,000 de barriles de petrÓleo crudo al dÍa para de esta forma no solamente controlar y bajar el precio del combustible, sino tambiÉn de la energÍa en sÍ. pero actualmente muchas personas que estÁn culpando el hecho que han aumentado la producciÓn de petrÓleo alos inversionistas y empresarios de petroleras porque mientras mÁs alto los precios del combustible, son ellos quienes se benefician. ero otros estÁn culpando a las regulaciones del gobierno, por eso esperan que el mandatario tambiÉn implemente algÚn tipo de cambio para que pueda aumentar la produc
edwin pitti estÁ desde washington d.c. para explicarnos. edwin: muy buenos dÍas. nivel nacional de $4.21, pero me encuentro en esta gasolinera a cuadra y media el capitolio donde el precio es de $5.19, ante la preocupaciÓn que el precio puede a seguir aumentando drÁsticamente, la atenciÓn recabe del anuncio del dÍa del presidente biden de implementar y dar a conocer su plan para que ese precio no sigo mentando y por supuesto afecando los bolsillos de todos nosotros. ese plan consiste en...
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well, turkish president, edwin has developed close economic and political ties with both russia and ukraine in recent years. and yes, that has put him in a delicate position where we see him now trying to balance his commitments toward the ukraine. a turkey thought. com, the trojans to the ukrainian government. are they also a ne, announced new trade deals with, on the other hand, it's ties to moscow. and now turkey and russia have a considerable trait. volume worth nearly $35000000000.00 us dollars last year. turkey depends on russian gas on russian tourists as well. russia has invested $20000000000.00 us dollars in a nuclear power plant here in turkey. so add on, can't afford to fall out with russia economically. and i think that to large extent, explains his political balancing act and drew a ruling from the shark of massive economic losses due to the current of ours condemned turkey was optimistic that its economy would bloom for its tourism sector this year. but now struggling under the russia ukraine conflict, how well no other country has been sending more tourists to turkey, then ru
well, turkish president, edwin has developed close economic and political ties with both russia and ukraine in recent years. and yes, that has put him in a delicate position where we see him now trying to balance his commitments toward the ukraine. a turkey thought. com, the trojans to the ukrainian government. are they also a ne, announced new trade deals with, on the other hand, it's ties to moscow. and now turkey and russia have a considerable trait. volume worth nearly $35000000000.00 us...
Mar 8, 2022
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edwin: buena recomendaciÓn. satcha: hay que organizamos todos para ahorrar hoy en dÍa.ncinta o si vas a ser tÍo o abuela, dan a conocer las predicciones sobre los nombres que serÁn tendencia en el 2022. esto lo hace la organizaciÓn que tiene datos de seguro social y casi siempre logra atinar en un 95% sus predicciones. los 3 nombres mÁs populares para los varones, los ves en pantalla, lyan como el pequeÑo de nuestro querido alan... entre las niÑas, en primer lugar esta olivia, segundo emma, asÍ que ya puedes considerar una de estas alternativas o puede ser un poco mÁs original y pensar en nombres no tan populares coo bruce y alana, o satcha, ahÍ tiene de donde escoger. seguimos con mÁs de "despierta amÉrica". rossmariel cuÉntanos sobre el estado del tiempo. robmariel: gracias, las condiciones del tiempo se deterioran y se extienden hasta el atlÁntico medio. estamos hablando de un sistema de baja presiÓn que estÁ dominando toda esta Área y que trae consigo bastante lluvia y acumulados importantes, ademÁs de algunas tormentas dispersas durante el dÍa de hoy y el resto de
edwin: buena recomendaciÓn. satcha: hay que organizamos todos para ahorrar hoy en dÍa.ncinta o si vas a ser tÍo o abuela, dan a conocer las predicciones sobre los nombres que serÁn tendencia en el 2022. esto lo hace la organizaciÓn que tiene datos de seguro social y casi siempre logra atinar en un 95% sus predicciones. los 3 nombres mÁs populares para los varones, los ves en pantalla, lyan como el pequeÑo de nuestro querido alan... entre las niÑas, en primer lugar esta olivia, segundo...
Mar 17, 2022
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edwin: buenos dÍas.mo el senado aprobada de forma unÁnime esa resoluciÓn para investigar si el presidente ruso, vladimir putin, y la fuerza militar de rusia han cometido crÍmenes de guerra en ucrania. las acciones no se han hecho esperar, el portavoz del kremlin ha dicho que le sorprende que biden a ese tipo de comedores, y que son imperdonable con tomando en cuenta que bombas de este paÍs, segÚn Él, han matado a centenares de miles de personas en todo el mundo. pero el presidente de rusia, vladÍmir putin, tambiÉn reaccionÓ, esta vez en contra de los justos, que viven y tienen algÚn tipo de admiraciÓn por paÍses de occidente, Él los tildÓ de escoria y de traidores, y que deben ser eliminados de la sociedad. ocurren momentos cuando la casa blanca anuncia ese fondo de 800 millones de dÓlares para que ucrania tenga mÁs arsenal militar y poder seguir defendiÉndose en contra de los ataques de rusia. eso le da la capacidad al pentÁgono de enviar mucho mÁs armamento militar, y esta vez se estarÁ enfocando en dr
edwin: buenos dÍas.mo el senado aprobada de forma unÁnime esa resoluciÓn para investigar si el presidente ruso, vladimir putin, y la fuerza militar de rusia han cometido crÍmenes de guerra en ucrania. las acciones no se han hecho esperar, el portavoz del kremlin ha dicho que le sorprende que biden a ese tipo de comedores, y que son imperdonable con tomando en cuenta que bombas de este paÍs, segÚn Él, han matado a centenares de miles de personas en todo el mundo. pero el presidente de...
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and joining me for more on this is as anger of edwin, a circular, he's an analyst, an author, and currently a senior fellow with the millennium project in washington, dc. as longer, i know it's a very complex problem, but if he were to choose, is this mainly a case of economic mismanagement or bad luck or both? i think the mix of everything when it comes to financing prices, mainly on the economy policies as well as the i call it actually they the strategic trap, which is going on the external funding, especially with china. so the day then the credit issue, there's no foreigners, those days are involved and the problem, we don't have money to pay the borrowing. the last borrowing infrastructure large getting this factor which is about 70 percent, which is not generating any revenue. so we see a situation right now, i mean, the invert policies i mentioned was locked in for months to go to i am only last week they decided to go by and me and also rejecting mark low and as well as the on the insurance and ground so there are multiple factors. could the government have prevented the just on th
and joining me for more on this is as anger of edwin, a circular, he's an analyst, an author, and currently a senior fellow with the millennium project in washington, dc. as longer, i know it's a very complex problem, but if he were to choose, is this mainly a case of economic mismanagement or bad luck or both? i think the mix of everything when it comes to financing prices, mainly on the economy policies as well as the i call it actually they the strategic trap, which is going on the external...
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but the main sticking point, according to present edwin spokesperson is the fate and the future of crimea, which russia next and 2014, and the eastern ukrainian don boss region where russia ones ukraine and the international community to recognize these territories as russian. but of course, that touches the territorial integrity of ukraine. that is something they are not willing to do as far as we know. we heard the ukrainian foreign minister say earlier today, we're not trading people land or sovereignty. and that shows just how difficult these talks hadn't been and still off. how high level are the delegates in attendance? well, we are, don't have any official list on who is part of each of the delegations, but we do know on behalf of ukraine. the defense minister is here, the majority leader, all the ukrainian, paul humans on the russian side is chief negotiator. mr. medina. sky you for example, but interestingly, and very interestingly, roman abramoff which is also here, the russian oligarch who was sanctioned by the west. and as far as we know he has been part in previous weeks of u
but the main sticking point, according to present edwin spokesperson is the fate and the future of crimea, which russia next and 2014, and the eastern ukrainian don boss region where russia ones ukraine and the international community to recognize these territories as russian. but of course, that touches the territorial integrity of ukraine. that is something they are not willing to do as far as we know. we heard the ukrainian foreign minister say earlier today, we're not trading people land or...
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so unlike his nato allies, turkey package, president edwin has so far cap space open for russian plains and has not issued any sanctions against the kremlin. ok, thank you for that. you will, your home and anchor will take a look at some more development in the ukraine, the conflict activist supporting ukraine of seized a london mansion belonging to a russian oligarch, oligarchy, pasco, it comes days after the building that oil tycoon was targeted by u. k. sanctions, protestors want the building to house refugees from ukraine. police advocacy. the shock us national security advisor jake sullivan, has warned china against helping russia evade the effects of global sanctions. officials have also reported that moscow has asked beijing for support, including military equipment. russia and china denied the reports. place across russia, arrested more than 800 people, for protesting against this war. authorities in moscow say they've detained 300 for breach in public order of police. in st. petersburg and 30 other cities have also made dozens of arrests. ukraine's black sea port of odessa is p
so unlike his nato allies, turkey package, president edwin has so far cap space open for russian plains and has not issued any sanctions against the kremlin. ok, thank you for that. you will, your home and anchor will take a look at some more development in the ukraine, the conflict activist supporting ukraine of seized a london mansion belonging to a russian oligarch, oligarchy, pasco, it comes days after the building that oil tycoon was targeted by u. k. sanctions, protestors want the...
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there had been some news yesterday from turkey, where prison, edwin, or least, sources close to him had claimed that there was some growing closeness and willingness to make compromises there between ukraine and russia. that was then ruled out and been pretty clear terms by ukraine's foreign minister. i think the only place where there is some potential for a concessions for a getting closer is on nato. they have been signals from the ukraine government. they might be willing to give up on that aspiration to join nato at the e. u. membership is still very much on the cards. but for now, it doesn't seem like either side really is willing to give up and to sign up to pay for compromises. ukraine definitely doing better than any one had expected, at least, or even maybe some b ukrainians and a desire to stick this out and to really are forced russia to give peace terms that are acceptable to most ukrainians after a month to warn lots of dead. i did of new correspondent nick connelly in care of many things. let's take a look now at some other developments in the war. french president, my no
there had been some news yesterday from turkey, where prison, edwin, or least, sources close to him had claimed that there was some growing closeness and willingness to make compromises there between ukraine and russia. that was then ruled out and been pretty clear terms by ukraine's foreign minister. i think the only place where there is some potential for a concessions for a getting closer is on nato. they have been signals from the ukraine government. they might be willing to give up on that...
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certainly amongst those consultations that and present edwin announced to the future and richard walker. i'm just a question on the i think it was the 3rd question. why when they were talking about in germany ascending the arms to ukraine and that the question was as well, it also is question for the there had been criticism from the ukrainians that that's okay. so germany changed his policy and is not any weapons but that, but they're not sending ammunition. well, i think that germany has faced criticism over an extended period about the degree of support that is provided to ukraine. but i think that that has begun to dispel with some of the major decisions that all i've sholtes himself announced a couple of weeks ago with a massive investment in german defense, the decision to start supplying lethal weapons to the ukranian side. so that his ease somewhat now germany is under pressure on this, on another side of things, of mounting pressure to join an embargo of russian oil and gas. that, of course, a side issue. i would just like to pick up though, and just what michelle has said, tha
certainly amongst those consultations that and present edwin announced to the future and richard walker. i'm just a question on the i think it was the 3rd question. why when they were talking about in germany ascending the arms to ukraine and that the question was as well, it also is question for the there had been criticism from the ukrainians that that's okay. so germany changed his policy and is not any weapons but that, but they're not sending ammunition. well, i think that germany has...
Mar 5, 2022
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and so i -- >> split second decisions like what, edwin? happens, you know, there is a transient you get, indications of something that's going wrong, and you have to diagnose it and know how to fix it. that isn't always an easy thing. it really does take a great deal of skill. operators are trained on simulators to cope with these types of accidents but fatigue and inattention have been big problems in the past in control rooms. >> i've got to ask you this before i let you go. the u.s. ambassador to the u.n. says russian forces are 20 miles from closing in on ukraine's second largest nuclear facility. are you concerned about another potentially disastrous situation there? >> well, there is no reason to think there won't be. i don't see the ukrainians giving up without a fight, and so we'll have to see what the future holds. but we're running out of time. there really need to be zones established around the nuclear plants that are essentially cease-fire zones until they can come up with a negotiated settlement on how to address the operatio
and so i -- >> split second decisions like what, edwin? happens, you know, there is a transient you get, indications of something that's going wrong, and you have to diagnose it and know how to fix it. that isn't always an easy thing. it really does take a great deal of skill. operators are trained on simulators to cope with these types of accidents but fatigue and inattention have been big problems in the past in control rooms. >> i've got to ask you this before i let you go. the...
Mar 1, 2022
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edwin: muy buenos dÍas. de los estados unidos. la casa blanca dicho que el mandatario hablarÁ ampliamente de la situaciÓn en ucrania, haciendo Énfasis en los pasos que su gobierno ha tomado, no solamente para colaborar con los ucranianos sino tambiÉn para lograr el liderazgo nivel global con paÍses de occidente para sancionar amplia mente a rusia. pero por supuesto el tema central ademÁs serÁ la economÍa, actualmente el presidente cuenta con un Índice de aprobaciÓn del 37% y ha sido precisamente por el precio del combustible y tambiÉn en la inflaciÓn, pero la casa blanca dice que se espera que el mandatario hable tambiÉn de su plan para bajar el costo de la vida en los estados unidos, algo que afecta lÓgicamente a muchas familias hispanas. el coronavirus tambiÉn serÁ parte del discurso, haciendo Énfasis el mandatario que en las Últimas tres semanas a los casos de coronavirus han bajado en un 30% y por ese motivo ya en el capitolio el uso de la mascarilla serÁ opcional. la inmigraciÓn, muchas personas estÁn p
edwin: muy buenos dÍas. de los estados unidos. la casa blanca dicho que el mandatario hablarÁ ampliamente de la situaciÓn en ucrania, haciendo Énfasis en los pasos que su gobierno ha tomado, no solamente para colaborar con los ucranianos sino tambiÉn para lograr el liderazgo nivel global con paÍses de occidente para sancionar amplia mente a rusia. pero por supuesto el tema central ademÁs serÁ la economÍa, actualmente el presidente cuenta con un Índice de aprobaciÓn del 37% y ha sido...
Mar 22, 2022
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edwin: totalmente.de casos criminales y definitivamente va a ser una sesiÓn maratÓnica porque estamos hablando que dentro del comitÉ judicial de la cÁmara alta son 22 miembros, 11 moquetas y 11 republicanos y cada uno tendrÁ 30 minutos ya sea para dar comentarios o cuestionar ampliamente. de los demÓcratas han dado conocer que quieren ahondar sobre el rÉcord de ella y precisamente nos habla un abogado constitucionalista. >> no podemos ignorar el hecho que esta es una nominaciÓn de una persona extremamente preparada y calificada como lo son otros miembros de esta corte, educada en harvard, con experiencia no solamente en el gobierno federal pero en la comisiÓn de sentencias, como jueces de la corte federal, como juez en la corte de apelaciones, todos estos aÑos de experiencia le dan a la juez ketanyi brown jackson la experiencia para impartir justicia correcta. edwin: de esa experiencia, los republicanos quieren ahondar un poco mÁs en su historial como jueza federal y quieren saber porque cuenta con tant
edwin: totalmente.de casos criminales y definitivamente va a ser una sesiÓn maratÓnica porque estamos hablando que dentro del comitÉ judicial de la cÁmara alta son 22 miembros, 11 moquetas y 11 republicanos y cada uno tendrÁ 30 minutos ya sea para dar comentarios o cuestionar ampliamente. de los demÓcratas han dado conocer que quieren ahondar sobre el rÉcord de ella y precisamente nos habla un abogado constitucionalista. >> no podemos ignorar el hecho que esta es una nominaciÓn de...
Mar 29, 2022
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nos conectamos con edwin pitti quien tiene detalles, buenos dÍas hasta washington d.c..o patrullas, a carros de la patrulla estatal en el estado de pennsylvania. escuchemos parte de lo que dijo un miembro del servicio de emergencia en el condado. [habla en inglÉs] } edwin: las autoridades estÁn pidiendo a la comunidad que por favor preste mucha atenciÓn a todas las alertas del servicio nacional de meteorologÍa porque la maÑana habÍan enviado una alerta de una posible turbo nada de nieve que es lo que realmente dificulta el manejar, pero la realidad es que a esa hora la maÑana y a muchas personas iban camino su trabajo y se dificultaba salir de la carretera en medio de la situaciÓn. satcha: quÉ nos puede decir sobre la informaciÓn que revelan las autoridades sobre la cantidad de personas que habrÍan fallecido, podrÍa ser mÁs la cifra? edwin: a esta estÁn hablando de tres personas que el muerto pero la verdad es segÚn las autoridades ese nÚmero podrÍa aumentar drÁsticamente porque mÁs de una docena de personas durante varias al hospital con heridas de gravedad e incluso a
nos conectamos con edwin pitti quien tiene detalles, buenos dÍas hasta washington d.c..o patrullas, a carros de la patrulla estatal en el estado de pennsylvania. escuchemos parte de lo que dijo un miembro del servicio de emergencia en el condado. [habla en inglÉs] } edwin: las autoridades estÁn pidiendo a la comunidad que por favor preste mucha atenciÓn a todas las alertas del servicio nacional de meteorologÍa porque la maÑana habÍan enviado una alerta de una posible turbo nada de nieve...
Mar 2, 2022
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en vivo, desde washington, edwin tiene los puntos claves. muy buenos dÍas. edwin: muy buenos dÍas. discurso. vamos a verlo en pantalla. amanece, actualmente, con 43% de los adultos en estados unidos que aprueban su labor, mientras que 54% lo desaprueba importante recalcar que joe biden ha mantenido un nivel de popularidad por debajo del 50% desde el pasado mes de agosto. en este discurso varias reacciones. el mandatario cupo cerca de 20 minutos hablando sobre el conflicto entre rusia y ucrania. incluso, invitaron a la embajadora ucraniana para que fuera una de las invitadas especiales cada vez que el presidente hablaba sobre el apoyo de estados unidos al pueblo ucraniano recibÍan la ovaciÓn de demÓcratas y republicanos. el mandatario tambiÉn hablÓ del coronavirus. haciendo Énfasis que no puede prometer que no vaya a haber una nueva variante, pero el gobierno federal estarÁ totalmente preparado para hacer frente a cualquier situaciÓn. esto como una forma de encaminar el paÍs de esa tanta esperada normalidad. recibimos mucho apoyo del presidente fue cuando hablÓ de la necesidad de ap
en vivo, desde washington, edwin tiene los puntos claves. muy buenos dÍas. edwin: muy buenos dÍas. discurso. vamos a verlo en pantalla. amanece, actualmente, con 43% de los adultos en estados unidos que aprueban su labor, mientras que 54% lo desaprueba importante recalcar que joe biden ha mantenido un nivel de popularidad por debajo del 50% desde el pasado mes de agosto. en este discurso varias reacciones. el mandatario cupo cerca de 20 minutos hablando sobre el conflicto entre rusia y...
eye 30
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you see edwin, but he bought them google chrome. you debina, usually you got them, but when you go neutral, so when you look at the choices here we go for a bottom which will naturally could keep them deal it as possible. yeah, we do it to work with a boy, but i'm not sure, but i'm still either. so pissing them to them. ship when you my dish, we built, deal up serials and stuff. i mean, yeah. but the move, those are going to switching to someone to go on with that there are natural store for some last for a filter and i want show a state about bug, you buy the lose, you said be external constitution like issue a problem. but i don't know what's up to watch, just local sto, carrillo on my own shoulders glued, shut q g. so with a oh and you will so push that purchased from shut down worse. you're probably out as a new student or leave me a good choice. when you ask, i go to court last year of slip i tested, always told me and just look up. i just wish use the gym museum me yesterday. chef can joy this reporter news little when you go,
you see edwin, but he bought them google chrome. you debina, usually you got them, but when you go neutral, so when you look at the choices here we go for a bottom which will naturally could keep them deal it as possible. yeah, we do it to work with a boy, but i'm not sure, but i'm still either. so pissing them to them. ship when you my dish, we built, deal up serials and stuff. i mean, yeah. but the move, those are going to switching to someone to go on with that there are natural store for...
Mar 15, 2022
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around the world, not to know what country people usually don't really like r e i g o feel, makes edwin say like all, why are you like so many problems in the city and you're building a semi guy a very strong grace from between all countries in europe, basically cation and space, industrial. and to be our grand and me. yeah. at the moment we don't have like, any kind of great day too much, like a yeah. hopefully we'll be back. ah a just the wanted to live with the church and i talked to mom just next month. yeah. to have done that myself in a mobile does one else there just one yet. the mom buys show, chalk, or the dick on my e at the right by says year to up that the federal guy asked sama a bus. this isn't the worst thought of the graduates was the country. dear. yes, go or she wished to let miss christabel not looking at it like i was going to play with the little just play really vehicle. i need that. i need that to dr. ticked up because i thought it was thought of going to get a plus could down way. would you want me to try to do it? okay. if you don't wish the dakota minute there'
around the world, not to know what country people usually don't really like r e i g o feel, makes edwin say like all, why are you like so many problems in the city and you're building a semi guy a very strong grace from between all countries in europe, basically cation and space, industrial. and to be our grand and me. yeah. at the moment we don't have like, any kind of great day too much, like a yeah. hopefully we'll be back. ah a just the wanted to live with the church and i talked to mom...
Mar 28, 2022
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edwin: muy buenas tardes, la buena noticia de todo es que la mayorÍa de los norteamericanos no tenemoss. una garantÍa muy pequeÑa que como mencionaban cuenta con ganancias que sobrepasa los $100,000,000 al aÑo, y aparte de eso cuentan con activos que van mÁs allÁ de los $1,000,000,000. la casa blanca prÁcticamente quiere que estas familias multimillonarias paguen ese 20% para completar una gran cantidad de proyectos sociales que planean hacer actualmente sobre todo para bajar la deuda que tiene el gobierno federal actualmente la controversia estÁ en el congreso porque todavÍa muchos no estÁn de acuerdo con este impuesto impositivo para estas familias multimillonarias, incluyendo miembros del propio partido demÓcrata , entre ellos la senadora por arizona y el senador por west virginia, la casa blanca asegura que esta propuesta es de suma importancia para que haya igualdad. ya que segÚn ellos hay multimillonarios en estados unidos que incluso estarÍan pagando menos impuestos que maestras y bomberos y para ellos eso no es nada justo. pero hablando un poco de las proyecciones que tiene la
edwin: muy buenas tardes, la buena noticia de todo es que la mayorÍa de los norteamericanos no tenemoss. una garantÍa muy pequeÑa que como mencionaban cuenta con ganancias que sobrepasa los $100,000,000 al aÑo, y aparte de eso cuentan con activos que van mÁs allÁ de los $1,000,000,000. la casa blanca prÁcticamente quiere que estas familias multimillonarias paguen ese 20% para completar una gran cantidad de proyectos sociales que planean hacer actualmente sobre todo para bajar la deuda...
Mar 12, 2022
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edwin, that obviously is the largest plant in all of you're. russia has control of it.me to the nuclear reactor, the shelling. the man you saw who oversees all of it, the transformer unit six taken out of service. the cooling system there you say was damaged. a fire destroyed the training building. here is what he had to say about that. >> at the moment there are 50 units of heavy equipment. about 400 russian soldiers and the load of eggs pelosiives and weapons on site. also, the ukrainian staff and workers plan all six power units, the management is forced by eliminating all technical aegis. the staff has psychological pressure from occupiers, but our people are resistant. an accident can happen at any moment. >> how aware are you about saportzhizia? >> yes, because it has been operating power plants as well aztec nickally fuel hotter than the fuel ought chernobyl poses a greater colonel. although all of the situation remains stable for now, it is a cause for concern because if there is a mistake or something goes wrong, that staff under pressure may not be able to fun
edwin, that obviously is the largest plant in all of you're. russia has control of it.me to the nuclear reactor, the shelling. the man you saw who oversees all of it, the transformer unit six taken out of service. the cooling system there you say was damaged. a fire destroyed the training building. here is what he had to say about that. >> at the moment there are 50 units of heavy equipment. about 400 russian soldiers and the load of eggs pelosiives and weapons on site. also, the...
Mar 11, 2022
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so what, what did you make of what president edwin had to say? and how closely will the west actually be listening to his message? hey, well, let's start with the 2nd part of that. so in the whole, there came is the 2nd general of nato. he will be addressing not for him, off the president or to one speak. so there are some significant guess they are. and obviously, western countries or the western alliances will be paying some attention to the messages that are coming out of this forum, not just from president on, but also the ukrainian prime ministers due to address the gathering via video link as well. but if we look at what's the doctor's president said, you can really submitted into 2 sections. there are the messages of turkish diplomacy, specifically with the current invasion on the war on ukraine. the attempt to try and find the diplomatic political solution to this and trying to you is the relationship. it enjoys tarkey that is with russia and ukraine. it is a continuation of that message while supporting ukraine's rights to it's a territo
so what, what did you make of what president edwin had to say? and how closely will the west actually be listening to his message? hey, well, let's start with the 2nd part of that. so in the whole, there came is the 2nd general of nato. he will be addressing not for him, off the president or to one speak. so there are some significant guess they are. and obviously, western countries or the western alliances will be paying some attention to the messages that are coming out of this forum, not...
Mar 23, 2022
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edwin: buenos dÍas.anos y personas que huyen de territorios de guerra han logrado entrar a los estados unidos. pero organizaciones judÍo americanas le exigen a la casa blanca que se les dÉ una permanencia para vivir y trabajar a los refugiados de ucrania en los estados unidos. pero la secretarÍa de prensa, jen psaki, dice que no cree que sea necesario, porque la mayorÍa de los refugiados no quieren quedarse en estados unidos, sino encontrar una permanencia en europa. alan: ojalÁ que haya una pronta soluciÓn a este problema, uno mÁs que causa los estragos de la guerra. elyangÉlica: justamente en washington es donde ocurre esta noticia en desarrollo. es el tercer dÍa de las audiencias ante el comitÉ judicial del senado de la jueza nominada para la corte suprema, que ayer respondiÓ las preguntas de los congresistas. en ellas se defendiÓ de las acusaciones republicanas de haber sido demasiado indulgente al sentenciar a los delincuentes de pornografÍa infantil. tambiÉn cuestionaron su posiciÓn en relaciÓn a l
edwin: buenos dÍas.anos y personas que huyen de territorios de guerra han logrado entrar a los estados unidos. pero organizaciones judÍo americanas le exigen a la casa blanca que se les dÉ una permanencia para vivir y trabajar a los refugiados de ucrania en los estados unidos. pero la secretarÍa de prensa, jen psaki, dice que no cree que sea necesario, porque la mayorÍa de los refugiados no quieren quedarse en estados unidos, sino encontrar una permanencia en europa. alan: ojalÁ que haya...
Mar 21, 2022
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nos explica edwin pitti en vivo desde washington. edwin: muy buenos dÍas, un gusto saludarte.rÓximo miÉrcoles cuando iniciÉ esta gira a bÉlgica en donde el mandatario se espera que participe de una cumbre especial comienzas de la otan en donde buscan coordinar no solamente la ayuda militar adicional para ucrania, sino tambiÉn mÁs sanciones econÓmicas en contra de rusia. el mandatario se estarÁ reuniendo con el g7, este grupo conformado por las siete potencias mundiales y participarÍa de una sesiÓn especial con paÍses europeos . importante recalcar que el viernes el mandatario se estarÍa desplazando hacia polonia donde busca reunirse con su homÓlogo, para de alguna forma coordinar la ayuda humanitaria y totalmente ampliar la colaboraciÓn militar por parte de la otan para que ucrania se pueda seguir defendiendo encontra de rusia. un punto clave que provoca controversia es el plan para que haya una misiÓn de paz, una misiÓn militar por parte de la otan para que entre a ucrania ayuda los encontra de rusia y eso no cuenta con el apoyo de varios paÍses de la otan. el propio presiden
nos explica edwin pitti en vivo desde washington. edwin: muy buenos dÍas, un gusto saludarte.rÓximo miÉrcoles cuando iniciÉ esta gira a bÉlgica en donde el mandatario se espera que participe de una cumbre especial comienzas de la otan en donde buscan coordinar no solamente la ayuda militar adicional para ucrania, sino tambiÉn mÁs sanciones econÓmicas en contra de rusia. el mandatario se estarÁ reuniendo con el g7, este grupo conformado por las siete potencias mundiales y participarÍa...
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well, take a show president edwin has developed close economic and political ties with both russia and ukraine in recent years. and yes, that has put him in a delicate position where we see him now trying to balance his commitments toward the ukraine. a turkey thought. com, the trains to the ukranian government are they also a ne, announced new trade deals with on the other hand, it ties to moscow. and now turkey and russia have a considerable trait. volume worth nearly $35000000000.00 us dollars last year. turkey depends on russian gas on russian tourist as well. russia has invested $20000000000.00 us dollars in a nuclear power plant here in turkey. so add on, can't afford to fall out with russia economically. and i think that to large extend, explains his political balancing act. and drew a ruling from the shark of masters economic losses due to the crone of ours condemned turkey was optimistic that its economy would bloom for its tourism sector this year. but now struggling under the russia ukraine conflict, how well no other country has been sending more tourists to turkey, then ru
well, take a show president edwin has developed close economic and political ties with both russia and ukraine in recent years. and yes, that has put him in a delicate position where we see him now trying to balance his commitments toward the ukraine. a turkey thought. com, the trains to the ukranian government are they also a ne, announced new trade deals with on the other hand, it ties to moscow. and now turkey and russia have a considerable trait. volume worth nearly $35000000000.00 us...
eye 23
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well, turkish president, edwin has developed close economic and political ties with both russia and ukraine in recent years. and yes, that has put him in a delicate position where we see him now trying to balance his commitments towards ukraine. a turkey thought. com, the trains to the ukranian government. are they also a ne, announced new trade deals with, on the other hand, it's ties to moscow. and now turkey and russia have a considerable trait. volume worth nearly $35000000000.00 us dollars last year. turkey depends on russian gas on russian tourists as well. russia has invested $20000000000.00 us dollars in a nuclear power plant here in turkey. so add on, can't afford to fall out with russia economically. and i think that to large extent, explains his political balancing act and drew a ruling from the shark of massive economic losses due to the current of ours condemned turkey was optimistic that its economy would bloom for its tourism sector this year. but now struggling under the russia ukraine conflict, how well no other country has been sending more tourists to turkey, then russia,
well, turkish president, edwin has developed close economic and political ties with both russia and ukraine in recent years. and yes, that has put him in a delicate position where we see him now trying to balance his commitments towards ukraine. a turkey thought. com, the trains to the ukranian government. are they also a ne, announced new trade deals with, on the other hand, it's ties to moscow. and now turkey and russia have a considerable trait. volume worth nearly $35000000000.00 us dollars...
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the flow rate of the small stream, which supplied edwin to philly gone fish ponds has fallen dramatically in recent summers, in part, due to the water extraction. lonnie pacific itself was when we went from $470.00 leaders per 2nd or $510.00 leaders per 2nd in 1960 to nothing at all. percent, all for the benefit of jannen acoya level for now he hope summer rain will fill his ponds. but that the regional authorities will reconsider the agreements they've made with dunham in the long run. o 2 children to countenance one giant problem and molina in on it to ship. a mighty lady, leo ve. jersey lupe, a fleet unit. how will climate change affect us and our children learn more? and d, w dot com slash water. get this the world world life form says 2 thirds of the global population could face water shortages by just 2025. this advance in friend means what isaac brucely being used for political or economic game. that is right. and it means that we have more to have more leverage. this creates inequalities and ultimately assist him that he's not sustainable for our planet. let us take a closer look
the flow rate of the small stream, which supplied edwin to philly gone fish ponds has fallen dramatically in recent summers, in part, due to the water extraction. lonnie pacific itself was when we went from $470.00 leaders per 2nd or $510.00 leaders per 2nd in 1960 to nothing at all. percent, all for the benefit of jannen acoya level for now he hope summer rain will fill his ponds. but that the regional authorities will reconsider the agreements they've made with dunham in the long run. o 2...
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the flow rate of the small stream, which supplied edwin to philly gone fish ponds has fallen dramatically in recent summers in part due to the water extraction only for silicates, or for some, we went from 470 leaders per 2nd, or $510.00 leaders per 2nd 1960 to nothing at all. i need to spend all for the benefit of jannen acoya level. for now he hope summer rain will fill his ponds, but that the regional authorities will reconsider the agreements they've made with dunham in the long run. o 2 children to countenance one giant problem. and melina, ignore me to see a lively lazy leo vickers in delays learning. how will climate change affect us and our children? learn more at d, w dot com slash water. get this, the world wildlife fall and says 2 thirds of the global population could face water shortages by just 2025. this advance in friend means what isaac crucially been used for political or economic gang. that is right. and it means that we have more to have more leverage. this creates inequalities and ultimately assist him that he's not sustainable for our planet. let us take a closer look
the flow rate of the small stream, which supplied edwin to philly gone fish ponds has fallen dramatically in recent summers in part due to the water extraction only for silicates, or for some, we went from 470 leaders per 2nd, or $510.00 leaders per 2nd 1960 to nothing at all. i need to spend all for the benefit of jannen acoya level. for now he hope summer rain will fill his ponds, but that the regional authorities will reconsider the agreements they've made with dunham in the long run. o 2...
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well, take a show president edwin has developed close economic and political ties with both a russia and ukraine in recent years. and yes, that has put him in a delicate position where we see him now trying to balance his commitments towards ukraine. a turkey thought combat drones to the ukrainian government. are they also a ne, announced new trade deals with, on the other hand, it ties to moscow and now turkey and russia have a considerable trait. volume worth nearly $35000000000.00 us dollars last year. turkey depends on russian gas on russian tourists as well. russia has invested $20000000000.00 us dollars in a nuclear power plant here in turkey. so add on, can't afford to fall out with russia economically. and i think that to large extent, explains his political balancing act and drew a ruling from the shark of mass of economic losses due to the crone of ours, condemned turkey was optimistic that its economy would bloom for its tourism sector this year. but now struggling under the russia ukraine conflict, how well no other country has been sending more tourists to turkey, then r
well, take a show president edwin has developed close economic and political ties with both a russia and ukraine in recent years. and yes, that has put him in a delicate position where we see him now trying to balance his commitments towards ukraine. a turkey thought combat drones to the ukrainian government. are they also a ne, announced new trade deals with, on the other hand, it ties to moscow and now turkey and russia have a considerable trait. volume worth nearly $35000000000.00 us dollars...
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the flow rate of the small stream, which supplied edwin to philly gone fish ponds has fallen dramatically in recent summers. in part, due to the water extraction, donnie pacific itself was when we went from $470.00 leaders per 2nd or $510.00 leaders per 2nd. 1960 to nothing at all to spend all for the benefit of jannen acoya level. for now, he hope summer rain will fill his ponds, but that the regional authorities will reconsider the agreements they've made with dunham in the long run. o 2 children, 2 continents. one giant problem and manila, ignore me to see a peculiar light, a lazy, leafy jersey lay food. exactly. how will climate change affect us and our children? learn more at d, w dot com slash water. get this the world world life fawn says 2 thirds of the global population. good. faith water shortage is by just 2025. this advance in friend means what isaac crucially been used for political or economic game. that is right. and it means that since we have more to have more leverage, this creates inequalities and ultimately assist him that he's not sustainable for our planet. let us ta
the flow rate of the small stream, which supplied edwin to philly gone fish ponds has fallen dramatically in recent summers. in part, due to the water extraction, donnie pacific itself was when we went from $470.00 leaders per 2nd or $510.00 leaders per 2nd. 1960 to nothing at all to spend all for the benefit of jannen acoya level. for now, he hope summer rain will fill his ponds, but that the regional authorities will reconsider the agreements they've made with dunham in the long run. o 2...
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is that all kinds of diplomatic efforts right now need to be supported because everyone and present edwin seems to be one of these people will still get through to vladimir putin need to be as supportive in be their efforts the, the meeting between the 2 foreign ministers here in turkey last week did not healed any results, but still they were welcomed and have choice mentioned that in today's press conference as well. but of course it remains to be seen. what's happened, what, what will happen next? of course, a meeting between the 2 presidents of lighting, reporting and letting mr. lensky would be next on the agenda. but if they are going to take place here in turkey, for example, that's absolutely unclear as we speak to w johan, with the latest to night on those efforts at a diplomatic into the war. you'll you think who is willing to fight for you, craig? 20000 people who are not from you. great. keep says that is the number of forwarders who have volunteered to join ukraine's international legion. or some countries have urged their citizens not to join this conflict, threatening them
is that all kinds of diplomatic efforts right now need to be supported because everyone and present edwin seems to be one of these people will still get through to vladimir putin need to be as supportive in be their efforts the, the meeting between the 2 foreign ministers here in turkey last week did not healed any results, but still they were welcomed and have choice mentioned that in today's press conference as well. but of course it remains to be seen. what's happened, what, what will happen...
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well, it would of course be a diplomatic win for president edwin. if he somehow manages to secure an agreement here, but the turkish position really is that someone has to talk to the russians. he has good relations with both ukraine and russia, but turkey also heavily rely is on russia for energy, for trade, for tourists. so there is a lot to lose for the turkish president as well. and that is also why he is trying to act as a key facilitator as a mediator in this crisis. julian in istanbul, many things under now here in the studio by d w's, former moscow correspondent, emily show and, and emily, we just heard julia talking there about the delegates of these talks. she mentioned that the russian oligarchy, bremond brom, abramivitch has been there participating. can you tell us, why is he there and what's his role been in the talks? it's of really a strange one on it because of the kremlin day finally admitted that he is taking part in these talks. they said that he's not an official member of the delegation, but that he is facilitating certain cont
well, it would of course be a diplomatic win for president edwin. if he somehow manages to secure an agreement here, but the turkish position really is that someone has to talk to the russians. he has good relations with both ukraine and russia, but turkey also heavily rely is on russia for energy, for trade, for tourists. so there is a lot to lose for the turkish president as well. and that is also why he is trying to act as a key facilitator as a mediator in this crisis. julian in istanbul,...
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can it what we're present, edwin has been doing and what he's still doing. he is continuing his balancing act . where on the one hand he supports ukraine, he has provided keith with combat drones. he has also closed the boss for a trade for offering warship, which essentially limits the freedom of movement for the russian fleet. but on the other hand, he's also trying not to anger moscow too much because turkey economically, especially, depends on russia, on russian gas, on agricultural imports from russia and russian tourist. so unlike its nato allies, turkey has so far caps, it kept its s space open for russian plains, and it has not supported international sanctions against russia. so what does that cross track record then? when it comes to spoken, the criticizing the trend? well, you have to understand that prison to add one sees his country as an independent regional power, which acts in its own interest and does not necessarily take the position of europe or the us that have of cause cause conflicts with his west and ally. so he's trying to be pro key
can it what we're present, edwin has been doing and what he's still doing. he is continuing his balancing act . where on the one hand he supports ukraine, he has provided keith with combat drones. he has also closed the boss for a trade for offering warship, which essentially limits the freedom of movement for the russian fleet. but on the other hand, he's also trying not to anger moscow too much because turkey economically, especially, depends on russia, on russian gas, on agricultural imports...
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government, the government that has emerged and is trying to act as a mediator in this crisis present. edwin personally welcomed the delegations earlier today, and he told them that it was now up to them and i quote him to prevent to stop this tragedy. now the question is, of course, what can these talks achieve? what are the expectations? and while we heard the turkish president say that some progress has been made, we also know that previous rounds of talks have made no progress. so i guess it's fair to say that the expectations for this week's works here in istanbul aren't too high. you good, do we know what's on the table as they negotiate? well, the ukrainian government, the biggest goal, and that's what they said earlier was to is to achieve a ceasefire, an immediate cease fire to protect civilians inside a ukraine. but we also heard a senior, ukrainian official say that he doesn't think any breakthrough will be made on the main issues. and these main issues are those concerning ukraine's long term political future, ukraine's aspiration, aspirations for nato membership. the neutrality
government, the government that has emerged and is trying to act as a mediator in this crisis present. edwin personally welcomed the delegations earlier today, and he told them that it was now up to them and i quote him to prevent to stop this tragedy. now the question is, of course, what can these talks achieve? what are the expectations? and while we heard the turkish president say that some progress has been made, we also know that previous rounds of talks have made no progress. so i guess...
Mar 25, 2022
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the attacks happened north of the capital, mogadishu in the city of bel edwin felisa, the 2 local politicians were killed. the armed group al chabarise has claimed responsibility for the attacks. the french out of corsica is on the alert ahead of the funeral for the jailed corsican nationalist of on colona. he died after being attacked by a fellow prisoner was 3 weeks ago al jazeera nicholas hark. has more from the capital a jack sio. on a bright and clear sunny day. the shores of italy are visible from this french island in the middle of the mediterranean. it feels far removed from what here people call the mainland or france or the continent, especially now after the murder of the corsican nationalist. even cooler, not because people here blamed the french state for his death that took place inside a french prison. in ma say his body was brought back late into the night. thousands of people were there in what appeared to be a spontaneous funeral procession. this is an island in morning. but according to the french state, even colona has a shady past. let me show you why it was almost 25 yea
the attacks happened north of the capital, mogadishu in the city of bel edwin felisa, the 2 local politicians were killed. the armed group al chabarise has claimed responsibility for the attacks. the french out of corsica is on the alert ahead of the funeral for the jailed corsican nationalist of on colona. he died after being attacked by a fellow prisoner was 3 weeks ago al jazeera nicholas hark. has more from the capital a jack sio. on a bright and clear sunny day. the shores of italy are...
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we had that news from turkey to day, from sources close to prison. edwin saying that some kind of consensus had been reached on lot to points between russia and ukraine. that was very soon, a knocked down by the ukranian form mister columbo said actually that there wasn't any progress on this that ukraine wasn't willing to make russian or one of the official languages, for instance, and wasn't willing to give up on its aspirations to join nato, and there are lots of huge differences in positions here. ukraine, similarly in no position, a willingness to accept russian control over crimea, or to accept the independence of those self proclaimed republics in the east. in the hands. convenience, i think for now it's about the optics. neither side can afford to be seen to not be open to negotiation specially crane needs to show that willingness to make sure it gets that support from europe and other western countries. but for now, it doesn't really seem like either side has yet taken losses of scale that would force them to really compromise on things that wouldn't go down well at home. i think i
we had that news from turkey to day, from sources close to prison. edwin saying that some kind of consensus had been reached on lot to points between russia and ukraine. that was very soon, a knocked down by the ukranian form mister columbo said actually that there wasn't any progress on this that ukraine wasn't willing to make russian or one of the official languages, for instance, and wasn't willing to give up on its aspirations to join nato, and there are lots of huge differences in...
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that all kinds of diplomatic efforts right now need to be supported because every one and president edwin seems to be one of these people still get through to vladimir putin. a need to be supported in these efforts . the, the meeting between the 2 foreign ministers here in turkey last week did not healed any results, but still they were welcome to all of show it's mentioned that to in today's press conference as well. but of course, it remains to be seen. what's happened, what, what will happen next? of course, a meeting between the 2 presidents of lighting, reporting and letting mr. lensky, it would be next on the agenda. but if they are going to take place here in turkey, for example, that's absolutely unclear as we speak to w johan with the ladies tonight on those efforts at a diplomatic in to the war you'll, you thank you. we're here to look now at some of the other stories that are making headlines this hour. we're australia in the netherlands. say that they've launched legal action against russia over the downing of a militia airlines passenger flight over eastern ukraine. 8 years a
that all kinds of diplomatic efforts right now need to be supported because every one and president edwin seems to be one of these people still get through to vladimir putin. a need to be supported in these efforts . the, the meeting between the 2 foreign ministers here in turkey last week did not healed any results, but still they were welcome to all of show it's mentioned that to in today's press conference as well. but of course, it remains to be seen. what's happened, what, what will happen...