i'd like to pay a huge tribute to mayor edwin lee. thank you. [applause] joanne, making it happen this morning. all right. we have a few more folks to bring up before we do our singing and we hang the wreath here. our newest edition of law enforcement in the city, i got to meet about this time last year when he first arrived in town, our police chief bill scott, everybody! [applause] >> good morning, everybody. so, i too would like to thank all of our public safety partners but i also would like to thank the other members of the city family that always is shoulder to shoulder with us and that -- they're right behind me. we have a great team in this city. so let's give them a round of applause as well. [applause] >> when you talk about resilience, when you talk about being ready for the big one, i know you guys see us first, police and fire, we're in uniform and we get the first call but we can't do what we do without the team of people that i just mentioned and many others that make this city great. we got some great people until this city and w