magna carta and it was created by a man named edwin sands, who had been imprisoned by the king, but many other, he bamboozled the king into giving the rights to virginia. that the colonists would be like any other englishman, freedom of speech and trial by jury. and thus, the first charter in the united states future united states came to be called in effect, only in english, magna carta and there's a whole lot of stories about this that can go on, and what i'm driving at is it's not a higher law issue, it's that these are the rights that you have as a colonists and it was right that the colonists in 1776 were fighting to achieve for themselves because they weren't getting them. >> thank you. we'll have two more question areas, the first one is really talking about magna carta and it's symbol, while we're celebrating the 800th anniversary. thinking about magna carta and to the future. so like as we have mentioned quite a few times here, it's more of a symbol, it symbolizes rule of law, popular sovereignty, but if you were to think about this as a symbol, which ones or any other ones woul