- here, eely, eely, eely. - over here! [clap, clap] [clap, clap] [clap] - huh? - hey.that glows. - huh. did you see something? - that's my last glowing sludge ball. - ho ho! use your wand and say, "sludge ball away!" - sludge ball away! - ooh! yowza! that's 6! that's all of the sludge balls! and the water is clean! great job, students. whoa, oh! - thanks, mrs. sparklenose! uh, mrs. sparklenose? - down here. my senses tell me i could use a shower. - ha ha ha! - p-ew! - bert and ernie's great adventures are coming soon, but right now, we're gonna start our experiment to see which ball bounces the highest! hey, sofia. what kind of ball you gonna bounce? - a ping-pong ball. - ooh! a ping-pong ball! how do you think it's gonna bounce? - not so high. - why do you think it's gonna bounce not so high? - because it's hard and it's small. - ok. it's hard, and it's small. ok, sofia. let's give it a bounce! ooh! the ping-pong ball went between the blue and the purple. bring out the next ball! daniela, what kind of ball do you have? - i have a baseball. - how high do you think that