she had to leave. >> it's interesting that you brought up anita hill and the eeoc. and there are these laws. we've all had a greater recognition of what is legal and what is not legal. the law can only go so far. it's just like civil rights legislation. there comes a point where society has to take it a step further. we, as individuals, the morality has to go where to the law hasn't gone. law can only do so much. >> amen, amen. thank you, jami, very much. >>> coming up next, eat cookies to lose weight? that sounds like a really good idea, stick around. >>> have you heard of the cookie diet? it's a diet where you can eat six cookies a day. can i just mention, to me, that's not a diet. that's a way of life. joining me now to discuss it is dr. sanford siegal. creator of dr. siegel's cookie diet. welcome, dr., how are you? >> hello, highway. >> so tell me, how does the cookie diet work? >> what the dieter is required to do is to eat six cookies a day which helps suppress his or her hunger and then a meal at night. there's only one meal, and that's the evening meal. the