. >> if our friends in congress are serious of limiting federal -- which is what they sold eesa on. >> if it actually did that, i think we would have seen some reductions in spending but we did not see that at all. aschcroft spent roughly 24 billion so the ceo is paying the same. the budget of duting 9 pnlt $2 billion. i the as we prosecutored that, it was a largest single year of production. i think it is getting serious at least the first step towards trimming and i coventry trimming programs is a necessary condition for state wrol. >> sould some of these cuts come to light. how could we looking to for wait how that is impacting teachers and tunts and schools. >> what do you think some of the first thing that repercussions and some of it coming to light. >> i think the report should follow the money. >> that got everything from futurer trip and college aid for young people and you know that's before you get to, you know some of the other cut in this sunl bu budget of healthcare access and food and security. i was going to have al clear impact on young people. it is going to have a c